What do you wish to accomplish with your money? Making money with your money is a given. Beyond that, what to you wish to support?
Socially Responsible Investing is about making your investment selections support your ethical values without sacrificing performance. This approach is also sometimes called ESG investing for Environmental, Social and Governance. Some Mutual and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) label themselves ESG or Socially Responsible. The theme of the fund is often in the title. When it is not obvious by the title, read the Investment Objective on the Fund Fact sheet.
The well-respected rating company Morningstar has developed a measurement tool to rate how well the fund is accomplishing its stated ESG goals. Look for the globes on the Fund Fact sheet. The highest rating is five globes.
If you watch the video linked here, you will discover that the term Socially Responsible Investing can mean different things to different people. In order for us to help support your values, we must know your values, so please share.
Whether you are a governmental employee trying to figure out which rules apply to your benefits, someone working for a private employer without a user-friendly benefits function, or a socially conscious person looking for investments to match your values, we can help.
We are licensed to work on a fee-for-service, hourly, or commission basis. Talk truly is cheap, because the initial one-hour consultation is free.