Estate Planning

If you already have a Will or Trust, we can assure that it still reflects your stated goals. We can also assure that the registration and beneficiary designations on your investments correspond with the instructions in the Will or Trust. Depending on your final wishes, we may be able to recommend investments that support your wishes more effectively than others.

If you don’t have a Will or Trust, we can recommend an attorney if you live in North or South Carolina. CWC does not take referral fees, so we guide you to these professionals without bias. We can help you assemble the documents the attorney will need in order to prepare a Will or Trust, and even accompany you to the attorney’s office if you would feel more comfortable having a second pair of ears and a hand taking notes for you.

If your Trust requires investment management beyond your lifetime, we can help you write prudent investment guidelines and help you identify service providers that may be necessary to carry out your instructions.


Catt Wealth Consulting clients are smart people who understand it is wise to engage a guide when entering the ticker tape jungle. CWC does not impose a minimum fee or account size. Most of our clients are referred by other clients.

Whether you are a governmental employee trying to figure out which rules apply to your benefits, someone working for a private employer without a user-friendly benefits function, or a socially conscious person looking for investments to match your values, we can help.

We are licensed to work on a fee-for-service, hourly, or commission basis. Talk truly is cheap, because the initial one-hour consultation is free.

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Catt Wealth Consulting has joined LPL Financial

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