A Seat at the Table, A Piece of the Pie

Watercolor by Paul Starrett

Thank You

Because of YOU, we successfully raised 277 pounds of canned goods!

This event has now passed.

In 2012, I started Catt Wealth Consulting (CWC) in a home office. Quite literally at my dining room table! You may have been offered apple cake or a piece of pie. No one ever saw my “office,” an upstairs bedroom with a doorframe so deeply slanted that only a person under 5’3″ could enter without bending over. I couldn’t call any of my old clients, because I had a non-compete agreement with VALIC, and I honor all the agreements I sign. Fortunately, many of you called me, and CWC grew each year.

About the time I was looking for space outside the house, the Pandemic put everything on hold. But mercifully, that is behind us. We were fortunate to find this ideal space in Matthews Historic District at 501 W. John Street. Here I will be able to add some new staff members to serve our growing clientele, and since I am a bit closer to Union County, it might be easier for many of you to visit me here.

We’d like to introduce you to our new headquarters. So we will be holding our Annual Shred Event from April 29th – May 3rd right here. We will have secure shred bins located just inside the front and back doors. If you’d like to sit down and have a piece of pie, we will give you a seat at our table. Some things are just too good to change!

Get rid of those old documents you no longer need, like supporting material for tax returns over seven years old, or old credit card bills, or bank statements. We can take paper or card stock documents of any size.

If you would like to bring canned or packaged food for our community, we will be collecting donations for Second Harvest of Metrolina.

For each pound of donated food, I will make a $1.00 cash contribution to Second Harvest for the purchase of fresh produce for their food pantries as well as a second $1.00 to World Central Kitchen, an organization that pops up in disaster and conflict areas all over the world, providing lifesaving nourishment.

Let’s set a record this year!

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